
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV

The self-invented personal name of an elite net-diver from Earth, hacker "Radical Edward" is a very strange, somewhat androgynous, teenage girl assumed to be around 13 years in age. She has a feral aspect reflected in her mannerisms, bare feet, strange postures and gangling walk. Ed could be considered a "free spirit"; she is fond of silly exclamations and childish rhymes, easily distracted, and the show's primary source of physical humor. Over the course of the show she rarely walks anywhere, preferring to run, crawl, flip, roll, walk on her hands, or even just saunter. Ed is always barefoot. In one episode, she considers putting on socks and shoes, but quickly removes them, as even wearing socks hampers her, and she falls over seconds after putting them on; she also appears to be exceptionally strong and flexible, being able to suppor...