
Faye Valentine

Faye Valentine Birthday: August 14, 1994 One of the members of the bounty hunting crew in the anime series Cowboy Bebop. Often seen with a cigarette and in a revealing outfit complete with bright yellow hot pants and a matching, revealing top, black suspenders, white boots, and a long-sleeved red shirt worn normally through the sleeves, not to mention her signature headband, she is unusually attractive, sporting a bob of violet hair, green eyes, fair skin, and a voluptuous body. Although appearing to be no more than her 23 years alive suggests, Faye is actually upwards of 74-years-old, having been put into cryogenic freeze after a space shuttle accident. During the course of the series (set in 2071), Faye manages to cross paths with Spike and Jet twice before she finally makes herself at home aboard their ship the second time, much to th...